Con Affetto

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Oh dear.

I found my old internet blog from ninth grade. Only two posts but still enough to make me turn an odd colour. Why did I ever neglect capitalization? Speak so oddly? Try to write poetry?


Makes me wonder if I'll read this blog when I'm older and want to go on a deleting spree because I sound like such a moron.

Anyways - so piano lessons this morning were good. Craig found that piece Anna Larsen composed and played through it and I decided to visit her Youtube channel again - LarsenPiano. To my delight, I found a video of her singing On My Own! Delight quickly led to dismay. She's getting there though. (;

Can people be great at two different things? She's already a great pianist and I think she's ten now. But people can only devote so much time to two things at once and to be great at something requires a lot of time that might be sucked up by another hobby.

I want to learn cello and violin... and vocal lessons! Everyone can blast their favorite T.I. song in the car and sing obnoxiously along. I can blast Puccini but there is no grooving along for me.

I wish I stuck to ballet when I was little too.

I was going to practice loads tonight but then Alan and Alex swung by my house. Watching of the Bourne Ultimatum commenced and we ooh-ed and aah-ed over Matt Damon's fine features and his badassery and total domination.

I will make up for this tomorrow. I saw a documentary on Youtube about piano virtuosos and one lady reccomended that you don't practice more than eight hours a day while her students all sheepishly balked behind her and exchanged guilty glances. It makes me sad that I'll never be at that level but I have other things to do and a considerably shorter attention span. The longest I've ever clocked was four hours and I was considerably mentally and physically exhausted afterwards.

Speaking of exercise, would you like to go hiking with me sometime? I haven't gone in a long time and I miss it. Castle Rock! Let me know.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If you're San Francisco.

Be sure to wear......some flowers in your hair.....

Going up to Oakland for Jinny's doctor appointment today, so we're going to San Fran beforehand.

Summer! Piano! Exercise.

Yesterday morning at 6, Claire and I (teehee, I spelled her name as Clair initially because of Debussy) ran two miles. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, yessir. Five years of promises broken, but this summer! Yes! We will be hot seniors.

Now we have time to practice.

Speaking of which, we ought to practice the page turning.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Yes! Summer is here! This means hours and hours of practice, random naps at my leisure, and beach!

I had a crummy night tonight though. Not in the mood to practice piano grumble grumble grumble.

I played a little bit of Chopin's Funebre Marche. It fit the mood. Hmm... maybe I will play it after my recital? We shall see!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010


I don't want junior year to be over yet.

Testing? Yes. Homework? Yes. Finals? Yes.

And yes, I did know. I interviewed her. I published that quote.

I can't wait...

In one week, I will be done with AP exams.
In three weeks, I will be done with my finals for Calculus and Chemistry...
And in five weeks, I will be done with junior year.

I am so insanely excited! I've also been slacking off like crazy though. I am incredibly burnt out and I have no idea how I'm going to make it through the rest of my AP exams.

I'm worried about my thumb. It feels better, but regardless. I wonder how I hurt it?

Liebestraume is REALLY frustrating me right now. I can't seem to play the middle section cleanly at ALL if I play forcefully and quickly. So I play it softly and slowly and increase intensity slowly... and then BOOM. I cross a threshold and errors galore! BAH!

My parent's Asian friends are coming over tonight and spending the night. Do you know what this means?! AUGH. IT PAINS ME TO THINK OF IT. This means I will be confined to my room for the entire night, unable to practice tonight, and unable to wake up early tomorrow morning and practice! No me gusta los getogethers. Shudder, shudder, shudder.

Did you know my Calculus teacher almost became an opera singer?
